Ashley Moog Bowlsbey is an artist from southern York County, Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in photography from Pennsylvania College of Art & Design in 2012. Then she completed her Master of Fine Arts in photography from Indiana University Bloomington in 2017. She is currently an adjunct professor of photography at York College of Pennsylvania. She also works as an adjunct professor and the lab technician for the Photography & Video department at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. She specializes in both analog and digital photography, digital fine art printing, bookmaking, and basic printmaking processes. Ashley’s work is emotionally driven, often focusing on topics of family, home, loss, and personal struggles. Recently her work has been examining topics of body image and feminine beauty ideals. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in locations such as Philadelphia PA, Washington DC, Pingyao China, Daegu South Korea, and London England. Ashley’s work is also featured in permanent collections at the Kinsey Institute and the Graduate Printmaking Archive at Indiana University Bloomington.